Downtown Los Angeles Senior Session ~ Makenzie

Makenzie was only 7 years old when she met my daughter, Lindsey.  They became inseparable and would spend every waking moment with each other.  Fast forward 11 years.  Makenzie has grown into a very loving, amazing individual.  Though she possess a very shy and timid demeanor, you can't help but be intrigued by her beauty, grace, elegance and unparalleled artistic style.  When she requested Downtown Los Angeles for her Senior Pictures, it was a no brainer!  

We started our trip at the Bradbury Building, which opened its doors in 1893.  Gorgeous!  We then we made our way over to Grand Central Market for some delicious breakfast at EggSlut. OMG!  Delicious!

Next, we headed over to Ace Hotel for some pics in the lobby and on the roof.  Great hotel! After that, we headed towards Melrose and stopped at PaliHotel.  Loved that place!  Great colors, walls and decor!  

Last stop was the Arts District where we were able to get some great shots with an industrial background.  It was quite a busy day, but we had a great time---one I won't soon forget!  XOXO